
CCNA - VTP VLAN 虛擬終端機 虛擬區域網路

CCNA - VTP VLAN 虛擬終端機 虛擬區域網路

A network administrator is explaining VTP configuration to a new technician. What should the network administrator tell the new technician about VTP configuration? (Choose three.)
一網路管理員正在解釋 VTP 設定給一新的技術員。網路管理員需要告訴新的技術員一些關於 VTP 設定的什麼東西?
A. A switch in the VTP client mode cannot update its local VLAN database.
處於 VTP client模式的交換器不能更新它本地的VLAN 資料庫
B. A trunk link must be configured between the switches to forward VTP updates.
交換器之間必須設定幹線連結,以便轉發 VTP 的更新
C. A switch in the VTP server mode can update a switch in the VTP transparent mode.
處於 VTP 伺服器模式下的交換器能夠更新處於 VTP transparent模式下的交換器
D. A switch in the VTP transparent mode will forward updates that it receives to other switches.
處於 VTP transparent模式下的交換器將轉發資料更新以便受到其他的交換器訊息
E. A switch in the VTP server mode only updates switches in the VTP client mode that have a higher VTP revision number.
處於 VTP 伺服器模式下下的交換器只更新處於client模式下的交換器,並且具有較高的 VTP 修訂號碼
F. A switch in the VTP server mode will update switches in the VTP client mode regardless of the configured VTP domain membership.
無論設定 VTP 的成員,處於 VTP 伺服器模式下的交換器將更新處於client模式下的交換器

Answer: ABD
A 客戶端不能更新自己的 database
B 必須在兩個 switch 之間設定 trunk
C D 透通(穿透、透明)模式 transparent mode 轉發 VTP 的更新

An administrator is unsuccessful in adding VLAN 50 to  a switch. While troubleshooting the
problem, the administrator views the output of the show vtp status command, which is displayed in
the graphic. What commands must be issued on this switch to add VLA N 50 to the database?
(Choose two.)
Swithc# show vtp status
VTP Version : 2
Configuration Revision : 7
Maximum VLANs supported local :68
Number of existing VLANs :8
VTP Operating Mode :Client
VTP Domain Name :corp
VTP Pruning Mode :Disabled
VTP V2 Mode :Disabled
VTP Traps Generation :Disabled
MD5 digest :0x22 0xF3 0x1A
Configuration last modified by at 5-28-03 1t:53:20

A. Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan 50
B. Switch(vlan)# vtp server
C. Switch(config)# config-revision 20
D. Switch(config)# vlan 50 name Tech
E. Switch(vlan)# vlan 50
F. Switch(vlan)# switchport trunk vlan 50

Answer: BE
VTP 的client 是不能添加,刪除,修改vlan 的,只能接收和轉發
所以需要變成 server 模式,然後利用 vlan 指令直接增加 vlan 即可

What are two results of entering the Switch(config)# vtp mode client command on a Catalyst switch? (Choose two.)
當在交換器上敲入 Switch(config)# vtp mode client 命令後,將導致哪兩個結果?

A. The switch will ignore VTP summary advertisements.
  交換器將忽略 VTP 的匯總廣告訊息
B. The switch will forward VTP summary advertisements.
  交換器將轉發 VTP 的匯總廣告訊息
C. The switch will process VTP summary advertisements.
  交換器將加工處理 VTP 的匯總廣告訊息
D. The switch will originate VTP summary advertisements.
  交換器將產生 VTP 的匯總廣告訊息
E. The switch will create, modify and delete VLANs for the entire VTP domain.
  交換器會在整個 VTP 域中產生,修改,和刪除 VLANs

Answer: BC

Which statements describe two of the benefits of VLAN Trunking Protocol? (Choose two.)
下列選項哪兩個描述了 VLAN Trunking 協議的優點?
A. VTP allows routing between VLANs.
VLANs 之間允許 VTP 路由
B. VTP allows a single switch port to carry information to more than one VLAN.
VTP 允許單一的交換器port攜帶訊息到多於一個的VLAN
C. VTP allows physically redundant links while preventing switching loops.
VTP 允許實體容錯連結而且防止環路
D. VTP simplifies switch administration by allowing switches to automatically share VLAN configuration information.
VTP 通過自動共享設定訊息簡化交換器的管理
E. VTP helps to limit configuration errors by keeping VLAN naming consistent across the VTP domain.
VTP 有助於限制設定錯誤通過保持 VLAN 命名和 VTP 域的一致
F. VTP enhances security by preventing unauthorized hosts from connecting to the VTP domain.
VTP 加強了安全性通過阻止未經授權的主機連接到 VTP 域

Answer: DE

What are three valid reasons to assign ports to VLANs on a switch? (Choose three.)
在交換器上將port指定進 VLANs 有哪三個正當的路由?
A. to make VTP easier to implement
使 VTP 更容易實現
B. to isolate broadcast traffic
C. to increase the size of the collision domain
D. to allow more devices to connect to the network
E. to logically group hosts according to function
F. to increase network security

Answer: BEF

What are three advantages of VLANs? (Choose three.)
VLANs 的三個優點是什麼?
A. VLANs establish broadcast domains in switched networks.
在交換網路中,VLANs 建立廣播域
B. VLANs utilize packet filtering to enhance network security.
VLANs 利用封包過濾來提升網路的安全
C. VLANs provide a method of conserving IP addresses in large networks.
VLANs 在大的網路中提供一種保護 IP 地址的方式
D. VLANs provide a low‐latency internetworking alternative to routed networks.
VLANs 提供一個低消耗(low‐latency)的internetwork來替代路由網路
E. VLANs allow access to network services based on department, not physical location.
VLANs 允許access基於部門的網路服務,而非physical location
F. VLANs can greatly simplify adding, moving, or changing hosts on the network.
VLANs 可以非常方便的增加,移動,及改變網路上的主機

Answer: AEF

Which three statements are typical characteristics of VLAN arrangements? (Choose three.)
哪三個選項正確描述了 VLAN 協議的特有屬性?
A. A new switch has no VLANs configured.
一個新的交換器沒有 VLANs 的設定
B. Connectivity between VLANs requires a Layer 3 device.
VLANs 之間的Connectivity的需求是一個Layer 3 設備
C. VLANs typically decrease the number of collision domains.
VLANs 代表性的能降低衝突域的數量
D. Each VLAN uses a separate address space.
每個 VLAN 使用分離的地址空間
E. A switch maintains a separate bridging table for each VLAN.
一個交換器在每個 VLAN中保持存放一個分離的橋接表
F. VLANs cannot span multiple switches.
VLANs 不能跨越多個交換器

Answer: BDE

What are two benefits of using VTP in a switching environment? (Choose two.)
哪兩個選項是在一個交換環境下使用 VTP 的好處?
A. It allows switches to read frame tags.
B. It allows ports to be assigned to VLANs automatically.
可以允許port自動指向 VLANs
C. It maintains VLAN consistency across a switched network.
可以維持 VLAN 連續的穿過一個交換網路
D. It allows frames from multiple VLANs to use a single interface.
可以允許來自多個 VLAN 的資框使用一個獨立的port
E. It allows VLAN information to be automatically propagated throughout the switching environment.
可以允許 VLAN 訊息在交換環境中到處的自動傳播

Answer: CE

Which of the following are benefits of VLANs? (Choose three.)
如下選項中哪個是 VLANs 的好處?
A. They increase the size of collision domains.
VLANs 增加了碰撞區域的大小
B. They allow logical grouping of users by function.
VLANs 允許用戶使用功能進行合理的分組
C. They can enhance network security.
VLANs 可以加強網路安全
D. They increase the size of broadcast domains while decreasing the number of collision domains.
VLANs 可以在碰撞區域數量降低的時候,增加廣播區域的大小
E. They increase the number of broadcast domains while decreasing the size of the broadcast domains.
VLANs 可以在碰撞區域大小降低的時候,增加廣播區域的數量
F. They simplify switch administration.
VLANs 簡化了交換器的管理

Answer: BCE

To configure the VLAN trunking protocol to communicate VLAN information between two switches, what two requirements must be met? (Choose two.)
為了設定 VLAN trunking 協議去完成交換兩台交換器上 VLAN 訊息,哪兩個要求必須滿足?
A. Each end of the trunk line must be set to IEEE 802.1E encapsulation.
幹線連結的每個終端必須設置成 IEEE 802.1E 封裝
B. The VTP management domain name of both switches must be set the same.
交換器的 VTP 虛擬區域網協議管理域名必須設置成一樣
C. All ports on both the switches must be set as access ports.
交換器的所有port都必須設置成access port
D. One of the two switches must be configured as a VTP server.
交換器的其中一個必須設定成 VTP server 模式
E. A rollover cable is required to connect the two switches together.
F. A router must be used to forward VTP traffic between VLANs.
在 VLANs 之間,一路由器必須用來轉發 VTP 流量

Answer: BD
B 同一個 domain name
D 其中一個為 VTP server
